The gorgeous outside starts with the healthy inside!
Hormone Saliva Test
Hormone Balance: Your key to better health.
Hormones exist in harmony with each other. When levels are in balance, body systems are stable. When levels fall out of balance, normal function is disrupted, leading to chronic symptoms and disease.
SYMPTOMS that may signify an imbalance include:
Fatigue, Sleep issues
Weight gain
Mood swings, irritability
Thinning Hair, Depression
Foggy thinking, Loss of libido (sex drive)
SYMPTOMS of ANDROPAUSE in men include:
Weight gain
Muscle Weakness
Lean Muscle Loss
Bone Loss
Sexual Dysfunction
Dr.T. Anti-Aging offers the most accurate and convenient forms of testing available today (ZRT lab tested more then 10 million patients and established ranges for all hormone supplementation types)
Test focus on 5 major hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEAs and Cortisol. Upon the test results ( in 8-10 days ) we will schedule your TEL. appointment with Dr.T. She will discuss results and appropriate treatment options. (Pharmaceutical grade supplements, bio identical hormone etc.)
Follow up consultation is $45.
She can send your lab results and work in collaboration with your MD if needed.